Category: Free Resources

Free Summer Writing Activities for 3rd 4th 5th Grades

Free Summer Writing Activity

School’s out for summer! However, before kids jump into  “lazy mode,” implementing a summer learning routine is important.  There are so many skills kids can

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Punch Cards A Classroom Reward System for Behavior Management

Punch Cards: The Ultimate Classroom Reward System

As teachers, we always look for ways to encourage good student behavior. Fun yet effective classroom rewards systems are a fantastic way to do this! One of my favorite classroom reward systems is punch cards! You are missing out if you aren’t using punch cards in the classroom! Punch cards will give you an easy-to-use tool to encourage excellent student behavior, goals, rewards, and more. The best part is all you have to do is print and punch! Here are some ideas on using punch cards that you can quickly and easily implement into your classroom reward system.

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Morning Work Ideas for Upper Elementary 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade

Morning Work for Upper Elementary

Mornings in the classroom can be full of chaos and excitement. You might find yourself being pulled in multiple directions. Add to that the morning administrative tasks, and it can be a not so calm start to your day. But . . . they don’t have to be that way. With some morning work ideas that get kids ready for their day, you will be able to find a little extra time to take care of all those morning tasks. Adding morning work to your student’s daily routine takes very little or no prep and helps students develop important independence skills! I am so excited to share how you can set the tone for the day with engaging morning work. With purposeful morning work and a routine you can commit to, you will be well on your way to a successful year with your students.

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Tips for Teaching Poetry with Free Poetry Vocabulary Game

My #1 Tip for Teaching Poetry in an Exciting Way!

Do you dread teaching poetry? I get it! I’ve been there! The concepts of poetry are oftentimes difficult for children to understand and that makes it challenging to teach. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. After years of teaching and practice, I’ve nailed down a few strategies for teaching poetry effectively in the classroom. They say practice makes perfect, right?

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Fun & Engaging Reading Comprehension Activities

3 Fun & Engaging Reading Comprehension Activities Perfect for Test Prep

Engaging students in reading comprehension activities can be so hard. As teachers, however, we know the importance of these skills. So working to keep reading comprehension lessons and activities fresh and fun is half the battle. It is so important to keep students engaged so they can fine-tune their reading comprehension skills. Sure, we can assign reading passage after reading passage, but who really wants to do that? Instead, let’s focus on some engaging reading comprehension activities that will make reading lessons fun!

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I’m Kim, the founder of A Love of Teaching. My ultimate goal is to empower teachers to reclaim their afternoons and weekends, all while feeling confident in their role as educators. I’m passionate about inspiring teachers with fresh ideas and providing them with time-saving materials. 

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