Tag: Reading Mystery Pictures

April Spring Activities for the Upper Elementary Classroom 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade

April Activities For Upper Elementary

Aaaahhhh! It’s almost April and you know what that means. The snow has melted and the soft, refreshing rains of spring are upon us. Soon we will see flowers popping up everywhere after a long, dreary winter. In addition to the changes in the weather, April is filled with some fun holidays too! With April Fools Day, Earth Day, and Easter all wrapped up in one month, there are lots of engaging themes to bring into the classroom. I have a lot of fun April activities to help you finish strong.

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Fun & Engaging Reading Comprehension Activities

3 Fun & Engaging Reading Comprehension Activities Perfect for Test Prep

Engaging students in reading comprehension activities can be so hard. As teachers, however, we know the importance of these skills. So working to keep reading comprehension lessons and activities fresh and fun is half the battle. It is so important to keep students engaged so they can fine-tune their reading comprehension skills. Sure, we can assign reading passage after reading passage, but who really wants to do that? Instead, let’s focus on some engaging reading comprehension activities that will make reading lessons fun!

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Fun Fall Reading Activities

Fun Fall Reading Activities

Discover the secret to boosting student engagement with seasonal and holiday-themed activities! Join me as I share my top fall reading activities for upper elementary classrooms. Witness the power of this simple approach in enhancing student learning!

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Fun Summer Review Activities for 3rd 4th 5th Grades

Fun Summer Review Activities

School’s out for summer! Doesn’t that just make you want to sing? I love summer and summer break. What I don’t love is the summer slide. But the summer slide can be avoided. I am excited to share with you some fun summer review activities to help avoid the summer slide and make summer learning fun.

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December Activities for the Classroom

December is here and that brings so many thoughts and feelings. On one hand, I’m amazed that it is already December. On the other hand, December is a month unlike any other (except maybe the last month of school). The students are filled with energy and excitement about the approaching holidays and school break. I am focused on finishing the month strong while also trying to balance all that December brings (gift buying, decorating, parties, and so much more). These December activities for the classroom are a great way to focus the students and keep them learning while making life a little easier for the teacher too!

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Free Reading Comprehension Worksheets

FREE Reading Comprehension Practice Worksheets

Do you struggle to engage your students in reading comprehension practice? I’ve got you. Finding high-quality free reading comprehension worksheets can be hard. Reading comprehension doesn’t come naturally to all students. It’s up to us to challenge our more gift readers to grow while helping our struggling readers flourish alongside them. Keeping reading skills practice fresh and fun is half the battle! Today I’m sharing two FREE print and digital resources that will keep your students engaged while fine-tuning their reading comprehension skills! I promise that they will beg for more!

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I’m Kim, the founder of A Love of Teaching. My ultimate goal is to empower teachers to reclaim their afternoons and weekends, all while feeling confident in their role as educators. I’m passionate about inspiring teachers with fresh ideas and providing them with time-saving materials. 

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