Tag: back to school

Meet the Teacher Ideas

Meet the Teacher Ideas

The beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time, filled with anticipation and new beginnings. Many teachers look forward to Meet the

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4 Simple Strategies for Teaching Close Reading

4 Simple Strategies for Teaching Close Reading

Are you looking for a strategic and intentional way to teach those important reading comprehension skills and strategies? I used to teach them one at a time. They seemed so disconnected and independent, and I knew my students weren’t getting all they could. Then I found close reading! As I started researching and learning more about this style of reading instruction, I knew I had found a gem. I began using close reading in my classroom and was amazed at my students’ growth and progress.

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Fun September Activities for Upper Elementary Classrooms

Activities for September: 8 Fun Ideas for Upper Elementary

It’s back to school time! Maybe you’ve already started your year, or maybe you are just gearing up to head back to your classroom. Either way, this time of year is full of transitions and excitement for all. It is bittersweet to end another beautiful summer and begin a new year of adventure. September is filled with opportunities to get to know our students and form lasting relationships. I can’t wait to share some fun September activities for upper elementary classrooms.

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Stress Free Back to School Ideas

6 Must-Have Items to Beat the Back to School Stress

Can you believe it’s already that time of year again? It’s always bittersweet to end those carefree days of summer and begin a new school year. There is so much to think about and plan for before going back to school. It can quickly become overwhelming, even for veteran teachers. Not to mention all of the added responsibilities because of the current state of the world. Here are 6 ways to start the new school year stress-free.

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Classroom Jobs Chores for Student Helpers in Upper Elementary

Classroom Jobs For Your Student Helpers

Most kids groan at the mention of chores or “jobs” they must do at home. However, the opposite is almost always true in the classroom. Students love taking on responsibility and jobs that help the classroom function well. Classroom jobs are also a great way to help build a positive classroom community. There’s another bonus, too! Students can help do some of the tasks that otherwise would be left to the teacher. But there are many tasks that students can do, and this can save you time. Here are some of my favorite classroom jobs and tips for using them in the classroom.

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Teacher Must-Haves: 20 Items You Need

Teacher Must Haves: The Top 20 Items You Need

Can you believe it is already time to start thinking about back to school? Planning for a new school year can be overwhelming. There are so many things you need for your classroom and many lessons to plan. As teachers, we all have tons of Pinterest ideas floating around in our heads that we want to see come to life. It’s important to have a plan and get organized. Here are 20 back-to-school must-haves that will set you up for success!

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Classroom Decor Ideas on a Budget: Cheap Ways to Decorate Your Classroom

Affordable Classroom Decor: 7 Creative Ideas on a Budget

With most of your waking hours spent in your classroom, you want to be sure the space is welcoming and pleasing to you and your students. Every year you see teachers posting pictures of their beautiful classroom decor and think, “How can they afford it!?” Trust me, those teachers probably aren’t spending as much money as you think they are, and you don’t have to either! I am here to help you get the most bang for your buck with these classroom decor tips and tricks that won’t break the bank.

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Successful Parent Teacher Relationships

Successful Parent-Teacher Relationships

Communication is key to a successful classroom. It helps to foster and build relationships between both teachers and students and teachers and parents. Healthy relationships build trust and help to set the stage for a successful school year. You probably begin communicating with your class before the first day of school even happens. I bet you send out a cute welcome letter or email telling them all about yourself and the fun that is to come. Let’s talk more about the importance of parent-teacher relationships.

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I’m Kim, the founder of A Love of Teaching. My ultimate goal is to empower teachers to reclaim their afternoons and weekends, all while feeling confident in their role as educators. I’m passionate about inspiring teachers with fresh ideas and providing them with time-saving materials. 

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